Statue of hands holding one another

You Are…

You are just too opinionated. Too bossy. Too strong willed. Too pushy. Too direct. Too assertive. Too dominant. Too inflexible. Too insistent. Too serious. Too focused. Too driven. Can’t you ever just sit back and relax a little? You are too negative. Always so fucking negative. Too pessimistic. Too despairing. Too bitter. Too depressed. Too dramatic. Too hopeless. Too blind. Too emotional. Can’t you see technology will save us? You are too science focused. Too mean. Too honest. Too difficult. Too challenging. Too motivated. Too judgmental. Too preachy. You think too small. You think too big. Can’t you ever just take a a fucking joke? You are Too filled with yourself. Too arrogant. Too much of a know-it-all. You expect too much. You think too much. Too optimistic. You are just too much. Don’t you see I have my own stuff to worry about?

But maybe it’s just that I care too much. Believe in us too much. Hope too much. See too much potential in a world that could be so perfect for us. Maybe I know too much, have learned too much, to ever sit back and relax too much. Maybe it’s that I respect too much, feel denying the truth is too much. Maybe I’ve suffered too much and feel the needless suffering of others too much. Maybe I empathize with the Earth too much. Value a healthy environment too much. Loathe ignorance too much. See reality too plainly to fake optimism too much. Think we are our own heroes too much. Dream too much. Love others too much. But I can’t regret any of that all that much.

Author: K